ミュージック:The 20th Century Masters - The Millennium Collecti を通販で購入する(通信販売で予約する)

[トップへ戻る][2007-05-26のランキング] キーワード:[The th]←を探す


↓↓↓↓The 20th Century Masters - The Millennium Collecti↓↓↓↓をamazon.co.jpで購入する
The 20th Century Masters - The Millennium Collecti


Album Description
The 20th Century Masters series is the best-selling single-artist line in music history and is being re-released by Universal Music Enterprises (UMe) in its ground-breaking, environmentally-friendly packaging format. A first for the music industry, the standard package (both sleeve and tray) will be completely paper-recyclable, continuing the company's long-standing commitment to being "green."

To further reduce the amount of paper in the Eco-Pack, the CD booklet will no longer be offered. Official liner notes are easily accessible on the Internet at http://www.ilovethatsong.com/green.

UMe is the first North American music company to replace the traditional jewel case with recycled paperboard sleeves and the plastic tray with trays made from PaperFoamR, a new packaging technology from Shorewood Packaging, a business of International Paper, that is paper-recyclable and biodegradable. Shorewood Packaging is the first North American packaging supplier to produce disc trays from PaperFoamR.

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↓↓↓↓The 20th Century Masters - The Millennium Collecti↓↓↓↓をamazon.co.jpで購入する
The 20th Century Masters - The Millennium Collecti
↑↑↑↑The 20th Century Masters - The Millennium Collecti↑↑↑↑をamazon.co.jpで購入する

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