↑↑↑↑をamazon.co.jpで内容をチェック/購入する↑↑↑↑ 商品の説明Amazon.co.jpウェールズが誇るロックバンド、マニック・ストリート・プリーチャーズの約3年ぶりとなるニューアルバム『Send Away the Tigers』は、それぞれのソロ活動でリフレッシュと充電を終えたメンバーのパワーとキラメキ感が充満した会心作! ファーストシングル『Your Love Alone Is Not Enough』にはザ・カーディガンズのニーナ嬢が参加。 Album Description From Nicky Wire's Keyboard:"[this] Isn't a High Concept Album, but the Theory Behind it is Important. We've Written About 30 Songs for this Album...and These Are the Best Ten Songs. It's Short...38 Minutes. We Began Writing for the Album in Late 2005, and Began Recording in Earnest in March 2006 with Dave Eringa. The Album was Recorded at Stir Studios in Cardiff and Grouse Lodge in County Westmeath in Ireland, Finished in November 2006 and Then Mixed in California by Chris Lord-alge (Green Day, My Chemical Romance). The Clash and the Sex Pistols Are Our Biggest Inspirations. We've Denied it for a Long Time. But They Are. And on this Album, We've Gone Back to Source. We Never Contemplated Splitting. We Didn't have a Friction-based Disaster Because We're Not Those Kind of People. Send Away the Tigers is a Phrase the Comedian Tony Hancock Used Whenever He Started Drinking. I Saw a Parallel Between that Line and the Animals Being Released from the Zoo in Baghdad When the Allies Invaded. |
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